Open hole & Cased hole logging technology & operation – the Best 5 days course – from Istanbul Busıness Center
Table of Contents
Introduction – Open hole & Cased hole logging technology & operation:
Open hole & Cased hole logging technology & operation – the Best 5 days course This course covers the whole range of Open Hole, Cased Hole and Production logging tools and their applications. This is a wide-ranging course that effectively covers all the logging techniques both Open Hole and Cased hole. The course starts with an overview of the reservoir rock properties and reservoir fluids.
Open hole & Cased hole logging technology & operation Designed for
This course is for technical personnel that are involved of all aspects cased hole, open hole and production log evaluations. This covers all branches of the geosciences.
Personnel that can be included in this category are Production Technologists, Reservoir engineers, Petro physicists, Geologists and Geophysicists. This course will also benefit geoscientists that are newcomers to the oil and gas industry.
Instructor overview- Open hole & Cased hole logging technology & operation
Petroleum engineer and international instructor certified from UK with oil industry experience for more than 26 years.
Worked for reputable companies such as SPC, AFPC, Shell, ADCO, international training centers.
Course Duration- Open hole & Cased hole logging technology & operation
5 Days
Logging certificate will be issued on successful completion of the course.
Course Delivery
Day 1 – Open hole & Cased hole logging technology & operation
- Basics of Logging
- Reservoir Rock Properties
- Reservoir Fluids
- Open-Hole Logging
- Logging Tools’ Principles
- An outline of the logging tools principles
- Nuclear-Tools; Density, Neutron Logs Acoustic Logging
- Resistivity Logging: Shallow and Deep reading Resistivity Logs.
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
Day 2– Open hole & Cased hole logging technology & operation
- Open Hole Log Interpretations
- Shale Evaluation
- Shale effects on evaluation of Sw
- Quick Look Interpretations in Shaly Formations
- The Dual Water Model Open Hole Log Interpretation Workshop
Day 3 Open hole & Cased hole logging technology & operation
- Well Integrity
- The Cementing Process CBL – VDL (CBL for average Casing to cement bond & VDL for Cement to formation bond)
- Ultrasonic (fine azimuthal measurements for differentiation between micro annulus & channeling)
- SCMT for average & azimuthal cement bond below production tubing without killing well.
- Isolation Scanner application to evaluate to contaminated cement and light weight cement and imaging of single and double casings.
- Cement Evaluation Workshop
- Casing Corrosion Principle- Corrosion Mechanisms
- Corrosion Logging: Ultrasonic, Multi-Finger Calipers, Electromagnetic (ETT) Casing Leak Detection
- Casing Corrosion Workshop
Day 4 Open hole & Cased hole logging technology & operation
- Reservoir Monitoring
- Basics of Nuclear physics used in Reservoir Monitoring
- Inelastic Capture: C/O ratios used to calculate SW
- Pulsed Neutron Capture: Neutron Capture mode used to obtain Water saturation
- CHFR: Cased Hole Formation Resistivity Reservoir Monitoring Workshop
- Production Logging
- Production Logging Tools
- Production Logging Tool types. Optical Sensors Electric Sensors Flowmeters Flo-Scan Imager
Day 5 Open hole & Cased hole logging technology & operation
- Production Log
- Interpretations Estimating fluid hold-ups: Water Hold-up, Oil hold-up and gas-hold-up
- Two Phase Flow
- Three Phase Flow
- Production Logging Workshop
- Exam and discussion
Who is the lecturer for the courseOpen hole & Cased hole logging technology & operation?
We have a group of accredited lecturers with long experience.
This course could be: ENG .Samer Shukri Certified International Trainer / Our Center Team
Contact information -Open hole & Cased hole logging technology & operation :
Mobile: 00905340789498 – Whatsapp + Viber
[email protected]
[email protected]
To communicate in Arabic:
You can view all programs through our website
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A group discount can be requested ISTANBUL BUSINESS CENTER
Is there a group discount when registering for Open hole & Cased hole logging technology & operation?
- Browse our course catalog and select which courses meet your organization’s learning and development needs
- Receive a discount ranging from 10 to 20% based on the total number of participants you enroll per year. Discount tiers are outlined in the adjacent chart.
- Contact us below to register your participants and receive a unique discount code for your organization. From there, our team will work with you to enroll your employees.
The Short Course Experience Open hole & Cased hole logging technology & operation- The Best Oil Course
Our 2- to 5-day short courses offer a unique opportunity to step outside of the pressures of your day-to-day work life and challenge yourself with new ideas and skills in a low-risk environment. Our team is here to guide you each step of the way.
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